
All I want for Christmas is someone who wants to take responsibility for themselves.

i am realizing that I have a damn near impossible time trusting anyone because I am observing that most everyone has an excuse for everything. Everything is everyone else’s fault these days.

but in the end, how can I expect a person to be honest with me when they have yet to be honest with themselves.

thinking this way makes me feel alone.


I feel like I’m code switching like a mother these days and it is cutting my brain in half.

First dragon Tattoo today

I’m preparing for my first dragon, first full arm tattoo. And im stressed tf out. Inside im thinking “what have I gotten myself into.” This morning got off to a rough start, could barely sleep cause I was thinking about this tattoo… running it through my mind over and over again.

this morning, im taking some time to study the great Horiyoshi III dragons, being inspired by tradition and mastery. Today is a big day for me, I feel like I am getting to jump into that feeling of tradition.

here goes nothing. Also, here is a photo of my practice from last night.

New Single! "THAT DAY"

Guys, dropped a new single today, on V day called “That Day.” I’m massively proud of this song because I felt like I nailed something special in the way I wrote it and produced it. Because a lot of this new collection of songs was an exercise in “letting go” for me, I was able to free myself to throw all different flavors into the pot. This song is a cross between alt rock, piano ballad, hip hop… I don’t know it’s a lot of things, but things are feeling more and more like me. Anyways, give is a spin today, hope you enjoy.

Dear Diarya: What Does Love Require 2020-11-28

The act of loving will always call us out of what is immediately comfortable or known. Love and sacrifice are more closely intertwined than our western view is comfortable with. An act of true love requires us to act beyond ourselves and beyond what is easy. It requires us to see the possibilities of a new narrative, a new possibility - whether it be in ourselves or in the recipient of our love. This is why, to me, we need God in order to understand love because He gives us a model as to how to lay ourselves down.

Dear Diaryia: Peace With Myself 2020-11-27

I think I’m making peace with myself. Or at least I’m starting to. I’ve been at odds with who I am, never feeling good enough, feeling like I’ve “missed it.” But, somehow I’m learning to make peace with everything - who I am and who I’m not. This is the beginning of an important and fruitful time ahead.

Dear Diaryia: Being A Different King Of Voice 2020-11-25

These are my thoughts about judgment and gossip.

It’s really easy to judge people. It’s really easy to assume people’s motivations and their reasons for doing the things they do. It’s easy to write people’s stories for them and write them off as bad or worse people. I consider myself a Christian, and the more I consider the words of Jesus and also my own personal experience of divine love - love that is all inclusive, all understanding, and unwavering - the more I am realizing how much judgment is actually a disease that critically cripples our experience of connection, unity, and ultimately love. If we are to grow into mature and more useful people, we inevitably will have to honestly face these judgmental tendencies in our own lives and come to crucial realization that we’re not really better than anyone.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a part of this problem. I have been in groups of people who’ve been speculating about other people’s character and decisions (while these people are never in the room of course), I’ve passed judgement on people who are different than me - people who struggle with things that I don’t struggle with, and ironically, people who exhibit the same distasteful behaviors that I myself practice. But as I’ve grown, a strange feeling has begun to gnaw at my inner person, my conscience. “Something just isn’t right” I’ve started to feel, during moments where I’d be exploiting someone else’s life and weaknesses just have a laugh or to make myself feel and look better in front of my other friends.

The irony is, we expect different treatment than what de dish out to others. I would say that almost every single person who reads this would like their friends and community to give them the benefit of the doubt during their difficult times and their personal failures. We would all like the space to fail and for people to walk with us through those times and try to understand the inner workings behind those moments, yet when it comes to everyone else, we fail to extend that same grace. The irony is so obvious it seems laughable. In my observations, environments that are filled with judgment and gossip aren’t safe for anyone. While there might be some laughs and some “revelations” (more accurately, judgments we spiritualized to shift accountability away from ourselves), I think the constant analyzation of other people’s lives without the intent to help them creates a rather poisonous environment. It’s all fun and games until everyone realizes - we always talk about people who aren’t in the room, so what does everyone say when I’m not in the room?

In Christianity, sex, drugs, alcohol and cursing are condemned easily and naturally, but things like judgment, gossip, gluttony and self-righteousness are given a free pass, sometimes even encouraged by the culture. Do not be deceived. These things are killing us too.

I’ve decided that I want to be the person who helps the people who are struggling. I do not want to be another part of the giant gossip machine that is most young people, even (and sometimes especially) Christians. I want to be a part of helpful and fruitful conversations. Honest conversations. I want to see the ostracized and marginalized people who have morally failed the community and themselves, the people who can’t quite seem to get it together. And I feel like I’ve only been able to come to that place because I’ve realized that I myself am that person. I want to work towards becoming a person who can include all, who doesn’t feel the need to separate himself as better. Because at the end of the day, we’re all on the same playing field. I want to become a different kind of voice out here. I want to be there person who actually follows through, who gives grace, who picks up the phone to walk with people through their life, who actually does something instead of just talks about it. I for one, no longer want to contribute empty words and harsh judgments without any cost to myself. Ultimately, judgment and gossip are easy because it cost nothing but love costs us our very lives and comfort. Let us remember that all the shit we talk in our lives dissipate as quickly and as cheaply as they came, but choices to actually exhibit love ring forever through time.

I know this is such a specific topic, but I have become very passionate about this. I really think that if we chose to graciously exit these patterns and offer solutions to people instead of just ripping apart their lives when they’re not in the room, some beautiful things could happen and we could find that our Christianity would actually begin to work.

With Love. A.B.

Dear Diarya Massive L 2020-10-14

Yesterday I took a massive freaking L. Felt worthless, like a failure. contemplated quitting, etc etc.

But today’s a new day. Still believing that I can change whenever I want to, and part of changing is, in essence, making decisions for yourself even if, maybe especially if, you feel like you can’t. Those small decisions are pivotal moments for your growth.

Get up, and try again.

Dear Diarya: 2020-10-11

I’m dying my hair so I had some time to kill tonight. So I just opened up my blog and here we are everyone. I’m just going to type whatever comes to mind.

The new song is out, which is pretty cool. I hope everyone likes it. To be honest I put it on repeat the last few days… cause I’m really proud of what I was able to achieve both as an artist and a producer and also mix engineer with this track. This whole project, in a sense, was a happy accident brought to you by quarantine as well as my existential and emotional challenges. I wanted to push the conventional boundaries of recording and challenge myself to get outside of my own box. I wanted to create a sound that was experimental in nature that also replicated some aspects of music that I grew up listening to. And I also tried to mix all my interests the best I could. I feel like I’m one step closer to developing my voice as an artist and producer.

Besides that, I’m out here. Thinking about the future. Wondering what it will be like. Wondering if I will ever realize my dream, or if the dream dies so that you can realize that what you end up getting is better than what you wanted originally. I don’t know. Or does life have to come with all the “what if’s.” Like what if I did that? What if I didn’t do that? The haunting question, “did I miss it?” Sometimes I’ll watch youtube videos of hit producers and artists in a studio and wonder to myself if I will ever get to experience that… and then wondering if I am an idiot for even thinking those things were ever possible… Or if it’s wildly closer to me than I could ever imagine. I don’t know… maybe time will tell.


“Part Of Me Knows” came out 20 minutes ago. I’m really excited about this song, and even if it feels a humble beginning still, I feel like this was a big feat for me personally. I just can’t wait for people to hear it. I’m going to eat a grapefruit and here is the link to the new song.

My New Song


My new project begins rolling out in just a few weeks. I wanted to premiere the full artwork right here on my website. So take a moment and take in this beautiful illustration created by Arielle Zottneck. There will be more revealed about this artwork in due time. But to the song:

The song I will be releasing is titled “Part Of Me Knows.” I’ll also do a little write up on what it’s about alter, but I think I want you guys to decide what it means for you without explanations this time.

Mark your calendars, this bop will be dropping on October 9th! If you are a Spotify member, would you consider taking a few minutes to follow this link to pre-save the song? Doing this really helps the song have more reach with it drops, and costs you nothing! If you pre-save the music, I’ll promise to keep trying to make the most beautiful and most dope art I can possibly make. Deallll? :)

And while we’re here, you can keep scrolling down to get lost in my random thoughts in my not so secret online journal called Dear Diarya.

til next time :)

Dear Diarya 2020-09-15 REMEMBER THIS DAY

Okay today was an amazing day. Like extraordinary. I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time. First, spent an incredible time at HeyHey Studios with producers Ryan Wilson and Zach Epps working on Mary Michael’s new record. I had never met Ryan before in person, but had been wanting to for a while. The hang was amazing. The day flew by. I felt like the spirit of everything was right.

During this same day I got an invite from a hip-hop producer who lives in Atlanta to come meet him at his studio. I played some of my music for him. I was more nervous playing music this time than any other time in my life. I think I was intimidated by this producer’s success in music. I was in a situation where I could fail. It’s one of those moments as an artist where you think to yourself, “is my music good or have all my friends just been being polite for a long time?” It felt like song played for an hour. But he said encouraged me. There’s no more details here but I felt so encouraged. It was one of those moments where I felt like I was going in the right direction.

Anyways. I’m pretty tired and don’t want to explain what all this meant to me. Just know that it was truly, an amazing day. AND, it’s nice out tonight.