Dear Diarya: Live 2020-09-15

I’m releasing new music in October.

Last night I had one of the worst dreams I had ever had. In the dream I found out I had cancer - and everything about it felt so real. All the emotions were there, all my fears and shock. It felt really real. I had never experienced anything like that.

When I woke up, I remember thanking God for the life I have now. My problems, for a moment, seemed so marginal. Then I remember saying to myself as I got up, “you better go out and live.”

Dear Diarya: Grace 2020-09-12

There are some times where I live through life with this undeniable but subtle pressure that I need to be more. Like there’s this little voice following me around telling me that I’m never going to make it, whatever that means. This pressure invades almost every area of my life. I oscillate between feeling like I’ve figured somethings out and feeling like I am a giant child.

Today I thought about grace and what it really is apart from its cliche’s and oversimplifications. I was trying to understand it within the context of my life. Does this grace thing really exist? Does it work? And I felt this deep sense of, “its okay.” Like, all that pressure you feel, maybe you can let yourself out of it. Maybe you don’t have to listen to it. And maybe it’s okay to, you know… see yourself as okay. To many this may be an elementary practice that you have mastered long ago. But to me, it’s still a critical thing that I need to learn.

It’s funny how we convince ourselves that we’ve learned things. Even things as simple as “you don’t have to earn love.” I would have told you that I knew that. But until I actually believe it, do I really know anything?

Why do we feel like we have so much to prove? And to who?

Dear Diarya 2020-08-26

Remember that every single person you interact with deals with some form of rejection or the feeling of not being enough.

Adjust attitude towards others accordingly.

Dear Diarya: Dreaming 2020-08-25

Has this idea of dreaming of another life cost me living in and appreciating the real moments that are actually my real life? Has the idea of “becoming everything I ever dreamed” actually disillusioned me to how life really works? Dreaming is a privilege, and comes at a cost. What a terrifying thought to think that my whole life I have been chasing something that was sold to me. A counterfeit promise telling me that if only I had this or became that I would be happy. When you live in that you treat things and people as inconsequential because you’re always wanting to be on the next biggest thing.

Have I missed out on my own life by always wanting another?

Dear Diarya: Freedom Without Meaning. 2020-08-24

Just got off a week producing two songs for Peter Larsen. It was a great week of creating, talking dreams, and busting a mad hang. It is encouraging to feel like you’re craft is growing with each attempt. I feel like my ear is improving, my senses are heightening, and I cam growing stronger and more efficient. I’ve been mixing music for 10 years now, and feel only now might I feel confident in what I can do. It is such a mind game. Sometimes I wonder if I might be better off just believing that I’m amazing at this, but at the same time, the wondering if I’m any good at this at all is what keeps me hungry to keep learning and to keep improving. My goal with each thing I create is to do something I’ve never done before, and to learn one new concept.

Today I met a poet in Stone Mountain named Janette Ikz. Such a hilarious and amazing spirit. It just so happened she was looking for a studio to work out of near here. It feels like random things are happening for a reason.

This week I was sad for the first time about leaving Athens. I have busied myself so much with the move that I’ve been able to escape some of these emotions. But the thing with emotions is that they’ll catch up to you… at some point. I just haven’t processed how much that place meant to me and how much it was my home. It’s weird, the whole time I lived there I never 100% said it was my home, and the moment I moved I realized that it was. What they say is true - you don’t ever know what you’ve got til it’s gone. This will be a slow burn.

For the last half a year or so I’ve wanted to live like there were no rules. I’ve been questioning a lot of things. What is religion? What is God? Is my religion just a prison cell keeping me from a free life? I wanted to be free - just like the freedom portrayed in the media in the world. I wanted to be inconsequential. I demagnetized my moral compass. I started writing my own rules. But I think I’m being moved out of that. I think I’ve come to the end of this way of living, at least in this iteration. Basically I’ve learned that doing whatever you want is fun and feels good for a moment, but it also feels totally meaningless.

I was happier when I cared.

Dear Diarya: I'm Finally Starting My Diarya! 2020-08-18

My first diarya!

Well I’ve had this idea for a while now, and if you are deep on this blog, you know I’ve sort of been doing this already. But basically, I just thought it would be fun to do these small little off the cuff posts to document the process of my little life, like little diarya entries. These little diarya entries could be funny things that I see or hear, ventures I attempt, breakthroughs, failures… all that stuff. Serious thoughts, funny moments, frustrations, joys.

The internet is the land of calculated and directed messages - carefully crafted to create a voice or a brand and to present a version of ourselves that isn’t quite representative of real life, and that bothers me. So I think it would be interesting later on down the road to see all of these little unfiltered thoughts and events that presented themselves to me over the course of my diarya.

My plan is to just leave these posts here, without telling people to read them. I may share a couple down the road on my other social media stuff, but ultimately I want these posts to be for two parties. 1. ME, so I can read them later and remember all the little steps that happened and 2. for anyone out there that is interested in the process of things, not necessarily the outcome. I have always enjoyed reading and seeing other people’s behind the scenes type stuff, so I thought it would be enjoyable to create my own, and this is how I want to do it. So, wherever I end up later in life, it would be interesting to see how they got there.

A great first diarya post.


Today has been truly blessed. Each day feels like a true blessing right now. Something about this time is very important for me. I bought a Wurlizter piano today… from the 70’s. It’s been a dream of mine to own one of these beautiful instruments for a while. Thank God for facebook marketplace and a time where people might see some treasures collecting dust that they want to get rid of. I feel so blessed. One note is out of tune beyond my ability to slide the reed into place, but that’s the only issue with it. It sounds beautiful.

Anyways, onto what I’m writing about. Late night thoughts. Actually, this thought in particular was spurred on by a conversation with a good friend of mine about navigating relationships and people’s expectations of what you’re supposed to be.

Ideals. we have so many of them - the way we think things need to be for us to be happy, fulfilled, and secure. From a young age, ideals are given to us to help us build an identity and to help us find a position in this vast world. They help us make things black and white in a world that is full of infinite color. But, what happens when we begin to find that life is not as simple as we thought? What happens when our experiences begin to contradict all the ideals we once thought to be absolute and uncompromising? Life is funny this way. It seems that almost anytime we begin to feel like we’ve figured things out, another mystery is around the corner waiting to show us that we aren’t as enlightened as we’d like to think. At least… that’s how my life is.

Today, I thought it would be interesting to revisit the ideals that my 18 year old self would have held. I thought it would be both humorous and enlightening to put myself in his shoes and make an honest list of all the ideals that I held then - to list the black and white truths I was so sure of, and to also list the things I thought I needed in order for my life to be meaningful. Then I thought I’d take that list compare it to a list of the ideals I hold now - on this day, May 3rd of 2020.

So, on the first list are things I thought I knew or things I thought I needed in life to be meaningful when I was 18, compared to how I view those same things now on the second list. It works best if you read each ideal on the first list compared to the corresponding response on the second list.

18 year old Andrew’s ideals:

  1. I need to become famous to be valuable

  2. I need to become famous for God. The more famous I am, the more I can do for God.

  3. If I live a good life, God will be pleased

  4. God loves me because I don’t do the bad stuff that most other people do.

  5. I need to marry someone to experience love

  6. I need to marry someone really hot to feel like a man, to feel like I won a game.

  7. I need everyone to like me.

  8. I need to become as desirable as possible. Develop skills to become attractive to the kinds of people that rejected you when you were young (informs #9)

  9. Girls like guys who play music. Lean into this identity because it makes you more desirable, which makes you more valuable to the space you’re in.

  10. I need to agree with you to be in relationship with you.

  11. People who drink, do drugs, and have sex are worse people than people who don’t.

  12. When I grow up, I need to have a massive platform

27 year old Andrew’s ideals:

  1. fame doesn’t equal meaning. people knowing your name is just that… people knowing your name.

  2. I need to become present for God. The more present I am, the more useful I become.

  3. God is pleased.

  4. God loves me because God is good.

  5. I’ve been experiencing love my whole life.

  6. I’ll marry someone who suddenly makes it all worth it. I’ve been watching marriages closely and it’s true what they’ve always said. It’s hard. It’s a sacrifice. But I do believe that while love requires sacrifice, love will feel worth it. Worth it all. Until I feel that, I will appreciate the time I have now.

  7. Not everyone will like me. In the same way I cannot understand other good intentioned people, people won’t understand a good-intentioned me. and that’s that.

  8. If I continue investing so much time and effort into making myself appear desirable, I will continue feeling alone.

  9. I play music because I love it, not because it makes you lovable. I just love it now.

  10. I want to see everyone’s “big picture.” We are all more than our opinions and behind all of that, we’re just people wanting to connect.

  11. People are broken. Partying takes the edge off. There are people who don’t party that I can’t stand and there’s people who party hard that have amazing hearts. And there’s everything in between. I can’t judge anyone, but I know that at some point we all need to face our lives soberly if we want to grow.

  12. When I grow up, I want to embody love.


It’s so wild how much we change. How life changes us. When I was 18 I thought I knew how it all worked. And today as I’m writing this I’m thinking, “wow I know so much about life now.” But, even what I believe now will likely change over the years.

It feels like life gets more and more complicated, but it feels like my ideals are simplifying at the same time. It feels like I really need less now than I did before to feel like myself and to feel like my life has meaning. I’ve found myself in a place where I’ve lived through enough unseen turns to know better than to make my own plans and expect them to work out just like I thought they would. I’m also seeing now that everything I used to judge has turned out to be an issue that was within myself the whole time, not an issue out there. Our ideals will inevitably be challenged by our lives.

This reflection was a reminder to me to be open-handed with my ideals, but to be uncompromising in my faith, which I often equate with love. I think both sides can and should exist simultaneously. Faith, to me, is the foundation that allows me to live somewhat joyfully and lovingly through this unpredictable, mysterious and often painful journey. Maybe I’ll do this again in ten years and see where I’m at then.

Thanks for reading.


The Choice

I’m realizing in a way that’s more real and accessible than ever. I think I’m happier than I’ve ever been and not because my circumstances suddenly became clearer and more close to what I expected.

Something happens when we begin to realize that we cannot control most of the things in our lives. And when we choose to enjoy the mystery and to be fully present in each moment, not knowing what the next might bring, we find the elusive peace we were seeking in the first place. I think this is what they’ve always meant when they said that joy was a choice. I always struggled with that because I seldom felt joyful. But now, I see that I always have had a choice - not to choose my future, not to choose what other people will do, or what I get to keep and what I have to loose… but a choice in how I position myself within all the growing and dying of life itself. When you take some time to sit and let go of the need to know and to control everything, you begin to see that you’ve always had exactly what you needed. And you always will.

The Dream & The Island

I’ve been playing around with some new art. I posted this on my instagram today and thought I’d put it on here as well. God is really touching my life right now, and I am so thankful. I feel like I’m being reborn.

Enjoy this art!


At the top of 2020 I had found myself out in the middle of nowhere. More humble people would just say, “I got lost.” In this time I began to take a good and honest look at who I was on the inside, as I began to realize that I wasn’t very proud of the life I’d chosen to live in. God felt far. And I also felt very far from myself. I began a new journey inwards. I began to lay bare my addictions, anxieties, and ways I was avoiding my own pains and insecurities. As I sifted through my gunk, terrified of the things I was discovering and admitting, I heard a constant invitation to a new start. It came in the form of this question, “Is there more out there?”

I feel like God gifted me this image to give me hope and to illuminate my situation. And here is the metaphor explained: Throughout the course of our lives, we might find ourselves making homes in places that were never meant to be our homes. These are our islands. The island represents the many addictions and false realities we adopt to cope with our pain. We find ourselves stranded, afraid, and desperate. As time passes, this darkness becomes our new normal. We grow weary, tired of fighting, and begin to make our home in these places of addiction, medication, and avoidance, eventually losing our ability to imagine a life beyond what we can immediately see. We settle into our islands. We were castaways who become citizens.

This painting is a self portrait, depicting me in this tiny rowboat paddling my way away from my island, barely escaping its tides and gravity. The open ocean behind me is vast and terrifying, but I know I had to leave that place or I would die there. And this encapsulates one of the most beautiful invitations of life to me: that there is an opportunity to change, always. We always have a choice, it’s just that the cost of change is all of you. The question then becomes: will you get in the boat, leave everything that is both familiar and hindering, paddle as if your life depended on it, and never look back?

Sometimes That's All It Takes

This morning I woke up worried about my life. It felt like the tunnel was closing in and I was scared about the future. Is everything going to be ok?

But as the day went on, I sat outside in the sun, I prayed, facetimed my friend, talked to him about God, and had some coffee. Now at 4pm I feel hope and feel like everything is possible. I don’t know if it’s the praying or the coffee or the facetime, but it’s probably all of it. All of these little things. And sometimes, that’s all it takes.

Things We Couldn't Change

it’s 3 oclock in the morning. I’m been working on music for 17 hours today. Really, these days I’m having some really amazing experiences of getting lost in what I’m making. I’m really excited about the new music I’m making. Anyways, I thought I was done tracking my album today but then as I was re-loading the things back into my studio from my recording I had a new song idea. I wrote it and demoed it all night (I guess morning) and here we are. This song is about letting go and believing the best for everything that is to come.

Sometimes It's Good

I want to do some more spontaneous blog-outs on the roll. Just things I’m observing or realizing in the moments, and probably not share. So if you’ve found this you’re an OG!

Mac Miller’s 2009 is the soundtrack.

Tonight I prayed in a way I haven’t prayed in a long time. I cried. It was so good to feel close to God in a way that reminded me of when I was younger. I have a friend, Ms. Helen… she’s actually my friend Missy’s mom (if that gives you some perspective). Sometimes I call her my Athens mom. Miss Helen has always loved me. From the time I worked at the church, she just always took the time to pray for me, to encourage me, to take me to lunch, and have me over for dinner. Tonight, she made me dinner and let me dry some laundry at her house. Later, I played the keyboard and we worshipped and prayed. I started to cry. I felt God, I felt loved, I felt hope. Miss Helen doesn’t know about all my failures, weaknesses and struggles… but tonight, I think I realized that it might not make a difference if she did. I think I realized, she would always love me.

All I’m saying really is that sometimes it’s ok to have people in your corner that think the world of you, and to not feel bad about it. And sometimes it’s ok to feel like you need to surround yourself with those kinds of people in certain times. I’m starting to see that I have a really hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people might love me enough to see the best in me no matter how I fail. I’m starting to see more and more, that love actually isn’t that fair.