The first "Behind The Song" mini episode is here. and by mini I mean MINI. Here are some thoughts about my song "Love Has Come." Thanks yall!
Physical CD's are here!
well guys, it's been three weeks since the CD came out on spotify and streaming. The release show was incredible, something I will remember forever. Honestly, I crashed. The last three weeks have been spent resting and recovering from the insane process of producing, releasing and performing the record. It was such a good reminder for me to slow down and rest, trusting that I am not wasting or losing any of my time. I think that rest is something I neglect so often because it honestly scares me. I feel like I am being nothing by disconnecting, when in fact it is the disconnect that helps me center my priorities and identity again.
Anyways, I am so excited to announce the CD's are finally here. I spent today putting the package together. The CD will come with a personally signed card, and on the back of it... a letter of my heart to the listener. You can snag it in the store, and I'll send it over to you. Thank you for all of the support and the love for the album so far!
April 12 Update - The Deep Invitation of Loneliness
I am gearing up to release this music to you guys. I have been working so long on it it seems. Every day, trying to finish, trying to make it the best it can be. I have found myself quite stretched recently between many things, trying to do them all well. It is a daily battle to always return to the main heart of life, of my passions, and why I even exist. So often, I can get lost in the results of a venture - the outcomes of a cause - that I forget to be thankful for its simple existence and blessing in my life. I am returning to that this evening, and I should more.
The album is finished, being mastered at the moment. The band is rehearsing for the show this upcoming Tuesday. I am so thankful for each of them, for stopping their lives to help me out. I feel truly cheered on and supported. I could not have a better band for this show.
Something that one of my friends said to me yesterday at dinner was so beautiful. He was telling me about the depression he experienced after one of his dreams came true. He told me that he was learning that no dream could ever satisfy. No status, no arrival was ever going to fill his soul. It was so beautiful to me because I realize in those moments how true that statement really is. We spend all of our time, energy, and thoughts on achieving these trophies that turn to dust in our hands. I think this way about music all the time. I think this way about the golden idols we perceive as our futures and dreams. For me its playing cool shows, meeting successful people, getting more opportunities, having a platform. But... It all turns to dust just as quick as it was formed.
When we are confronted with this reality it leaves a hole in our lives that manifest as a heaviness, a purposelessness, and loneliness. But what is different about me now is that I am thankful for these experiences. Loneliness is not equivalent of a failed life or shortcoming socially. Loneliness is not that absence of purpose. Loneliness is an invitation. I was at a conference last month and the speaker said something along the lines of, "Loneliness is the time that God is inviting us into communion with Him that we misinterpret." Wow... how true. Instead of taking on shame for the emptiness we feel, we are to begin to interpret those moments as God pulling us in the whisper and to speak to us. Let the pain of the silence and the awkwardness of the quiet place propel you closer to the Lord, and not away. If it is true that we are never alone, then we can, in the quiet recesses of our souls, be satisfied. And that is amazing. Embrace the quiet.
Love Has Come - Live on Milledge Ave
Here it is guys! Please enjoy this live video of my new song, "Love Has Come." This video was recorded at the Classic City Ministry Center on Milledge Avenue in Athens, GA. Thank you to Gray Hauser for making this amazing video for me.
Here are the lyrics:
I won't fear the night. I won't fear the cold. Cause I know you've gone before.
I see the birds and how you feed them all. But how you love me even more.
My Love Has Come
I will let things die, so you can make things grow. Let me trust you even more.
Through the seasons tides, and all this push and pull, let me trust you even more.
My Love Has Come
You can have my life, if I can have your heart. You've become my only one.
You've become my only one.
"Love Has Come" Live video in progress
Trying to be more diligent in keeping track of the process. Writing is a good outlet and creates snapshots and moments to look back on. It helps me remember things that happened, too! Life moves quick. I'm in Atlanta, going to a show with one of my best friends ever tonight. He had an extra ticket to one of our favorite artists, Sylvan Esso. You know what it is get up get down. Hoping they play it tonight, they have to.
Yesterday my friend Gray helped me film a live acoustic version of one of my new songs, "Love Has Come." I'm excited for this song for many reasons. It's not flashy, complex, and doesn't have many words. But the focus behind the moment it was birthed in is important. We had a great time. This is my family's piano that some people helped me move up here, and it's the first recording she's been in. Filmed the video, ate Donna Chang's, Fortnite. A night for the boys. This will be out soon.
photo by
Album Update 3/15. Brick by Brick by Brick
Cities are laid brick by brick. There is no shortcut to anything worthwhile. I am in the thick of this process. Exhausting days of trying to figure out how to best make this recording, a million different voices going on inside my head. I truly believe that the closer you get to something really important, that harder the process becomes. Extreme resistance and discomfort precede something beautiful, almost always. I tend to forget this and become surprised when things gets difficult. But, I want to learn how to settle into the growing pains of life and trust.
It's Thursday afternoon of March 15th, just come out of two full days in the studio. It was intense the battle when doing this round. I start to have these crazy thoughts. "Is this music even GOOD?" "Do you really believe any of this stuff you're singing?" "Look at your life, does it even match up to this message?" ... and all these doubts. I am so engrossed in this process that I have begun worrying. I think by worrying I can control... which we all know is the opposite of the truth. But I battled through, reminding myself to trust the process and remembering that the most important part of this whole this is showing up with a "yes." Whenever I'm making records of my own, near the end I have an incredible weight on me. It's a fear to move forward, almost as if the importance of the work begins to discourage me. On Monday I couldn't even get out of bed. I just laid there, almost dreading having to "show up" with my vulnerability again in the studio. But again, I chose to get up and go, head first into the doubts I had about myself, and I showed up.
Exploring the voice, exploring truth, making something important and worthwhile, requires a deep giving and a deep openness. It requires sacrifice of effort, time, and your soul. This album is costing me a lot. But beneath everything that has been difficult and challenging, the underlying hope remains. "This is going to be worth it. It always is."
Last night, I mixed down all the songs and threw them on a CD. about 1AM last night popped it in the truck, blasted the heat and took a drive down Milledge ave all the way to the end and back. Sometimes it is so easy to lose sight of why you started out doing something in the first place. It's really easy in music. It happens to me a hundred times per day probably, that I lose sight. But regaining sight is as simple as shifting your gaze back to the center. I think I had lost sight through the worry, the gripping, and the control of the process and I felt empty because of it. So on my drive, I just listened and I settled back into my question, "Do you really believe this?" And I settled in with the loneliness of the drive, thanked God for the music and the things He's given me, and remembered the answer. "Yes, beneath everything that could ever come your way, absolutely yes."
The album is being made, I literally cannot wait to share it and invite people into the story. Thanks for reading. - AB
Tide's Shifting
It's 10:50pm on the night of February 26th. I am in the midst of an incredible amount of growth, challenge, breakthrough, and learning. God is near to me, His presence the air I breathe and His grace my strength for my days more so than ever before. I feel like life is climbing a path that spirals around a mountain, where we pass the same view over and over again, and in our minds we feel like no progress is being made. But in reality, we are just that much close to our destination. Growth is never linear, but a slight incline that teaches us perseverance, faith, and ultimately how to be content in how slowly we actually improve. There are no shortcuts.
Recently, I have been having some really pointed moments in the quiet place of my life. In the deep of my soul, the part that no one could ever see. But something about the exchanges I am experiencing in that depth... is unprecedented. And though I've known God for almost 10 years, and though I've known myself my whole life. I feel like I'm meeting both of these people again. I thought that tonight, as I am preparing for bed and listening to some of my favorite music, I would unpack a little of my month. I like to document through my Canon AE1 35mm camera, so I'll share some pictures that tell the story of my February. There are other photographs from the studios taken by Savannah Shaw and Evan Reece. There are going to be stories, encouragements, thanks, anecdotes and little nuggets of wisdom, which I will highlight, because people don't like to read long things anymore! So if anything, take the nuggets :)
Chapter 1: MY RECORD and creative success
The record is underway. I am in week two of official production, but has been a little over two months since the conception of the idea. Last week, we were able to knock out drums, bass and guitars for three of the six or seven songs to be on the first half of "From My Window To Yours." I am approaching this record with a little bit of recklessness. I am trying not to sweat details or minute decisions, but am chipping away at it to discover the essence of what it is I'm trying to do and who I am as an artist. It's like when you begin a marble sculpture, cause most of you I assume will do one in your lifetime, you don't start with the tiny details. You probably knock that block down to the general shape and form so you can help visualize the details. Often we wait to feel like somethings is all figure out before we even take steps to flesh them out, and that's exactly the moment where we get stuck in fear and give up on trying. The key to creative success, to me, it fearlessness and a willingness to go places even if you will fail. Creative success is defined in the process of discovery, not the presentation of an outcome. Process is the reward.
I had the pleasure of working with Harold Brown (@TheHaroldBrown) please follow. I love this man. He was such a gift to the record but also to my life! There is such a tangible difference when working with people under the covering of humility and genuine love for music. HB is one of the most incredible studio musicians I have ever worked with and is, more importantly, intuitive, genuine and has a true passion for his craft. He has been such an encouragement to me along the way, helping me to believe in myself. Literally because of him, everything is already sounding so much better than I could have ever anticipated. You are the man Harold if you are reading this!
Chapter 2: other records and creating a space of others to come alive.
In producer world, I am working on a few projects at the moment. One being Carly King who goes by The Little Strong. Please follow @the_little_strong. It is her first record and she is doing an incredible job. Her songs are honest, pure and authentic. When you hear it you will know exactly what I mean. There is a depth in how she sings them and how she wrote them that you can tell cost her something. That's the kind of things that will move us deeply. I am beginning to walk with more vision in my role as a producer. I think the best part of it is watching someone like Carly set out to pursue a very vulnerable dream only to find victory on the other side of her faith. I LOVE sending artists their first mixes and them being amazed at what they created. It is truly one of the best jobs ever, I get to have a front row seat of destinies being unfolded in front of people.
On Saturday, I had the amazing privilege of working with one of my biggest inspirations and influences, Family and Friends. This band is incredible and has shaped me as a musicians over the years. I remember first hearing their record in college and it blew my mind. Their arrangements and their expression is refreshing, and also comes from a place of passion and relentless pursuit. They came to the studio to record some music for some live video releases they will be doing to promote their next record. I don't know what the record sounds like, but the songs are amazing. As a producer, it was definitely the most technically challenging session I have ever recorded and might be for a long time, but I felt like all the previous sessions lessons informed the approach just enough and everything when smoothly. I am really happy at how it sounded as well and truthfully had an incredible time working with them. They are wonderful hangs, and I am thankful for the opportunity. I am talking with Mike now about going forward into more tracking and possibly some mixing
On Thursday, I will be flying to Tulsa Oklahoma to celebrate the release of an album I produced in January. Val (Artist MD) was kind enough to offer to fly me out for the album release party. Honestly, I'm a little in shock. I have always hoped that music might allow me to see different parts of the world I wouldn't normally get to experience, and here I am getting on a flight to Oklahoma on Friday! Might not seem like too big of a deal, but it is a first for me. I can't wait to watch Val as he shares his dream with his community and just be around this dude again. Love him.
Chapter 3: Today is Good and Tomorrow will be better, have hope
Here are just some shots of life.Sometimes I look at what God has surrounded me with and begin to smile for no reason. Something is softening so deep in me that when I just put on a song I really like or I smell the spring air through my window or a I see the clouds in a particular pattern, I well up with emotion. I don't know if it's just joy, thankfulness, or disbelief or what, but I feel like I am being led back into my youth, the aw of a child. Here are some photographs of just things and people I love and thank God for.
Love you all. Thanks for taking the time to read. Tomorrow is a massive day for me, I probably won't be able to sleep. But the reasons are for me to know :) Til next time.
"M I L E S" - Behind The Song
The concept behind the song M I L E S has probably been brewing in me since I began to realize how disconnected so many things in my life were, and began to doubt how God worked in all of it. There was a point, maybe near the end of college, when I think I began to believe somehow that God only used the put together people, the strong people, the ones who seemed like they had it all together. I thought maybe that the idea of being known AND loved was impossible - that if God fully knew my heart and all its brokenness, then it would cause Him to love me less. Or if He fully loved me, then that meant He didn't know everything about me.
I, just like you, have been through challenges in this life. I am constantly getting in my own way. I am self-sabotaging. I am stubborn and I am proud and weak all at the same time. And there are so many moments in my life I look back on and wonder, "What the heck was I thinking!?" I have, in the past, struggled with my outlook on getting older- looking at life as a journey in which we collect bad experiences, mistakes, and unresolved situations that we have to continue to live with. More time, more failure that I cannot understand, the further I will feel from innocence and the purity of past seasons. Will I just have a bunch of broken pieces at the end of my life?
But on Monday night, as I was getting ready for bed, I was suddenly filled with the most joyful thankfulness for everything I have gone through in life. It was like God lifted my spirits to a new perspective, to His perspectives on my past. All my wrong decisions, seasons of crippling fear, depressions, failures, were illuminated in such a beautiful fashion. It was like a sunrise in my heart. It was like I could see the whole picture, just for a moment, of God's plan for my life. It is easier for me to have grace on the situations that are outside of my control, but have always struggled with dealing with grace for the mistakes I chose. But suddenly there was grace over all of it, it was all the same. I began to see myself through the eyes of the Father who looks at His baby. Love is the core of who He is, not anger, frustration or control. To a Father, it doesn't matter if His son chooses to touch the stove or if a kid on the playground picks on him, all that matters is that His kid is not experiencing the fullness of life that is out there. I think it might be the same with God. He has infinite compassion for the "why" behind our wandering. Man becomes angered with the failures themselves, but I think what God really hates is all the forces that push His children to act short of who they're supposed to be. He doesn't see me for the times I have chosen wrong, but is committed to seeing me through the process of understanding the deep, deep "why" and has infinite compassion for the process of life. It is truly a hike through deep mud and beautiful views and everything in between.
My spirit rejoiced in this revelation and I began to thank God for everything. Then this song poured out. The next day I finished up the lyric and made this recording. I started at about one o'clock in the afternoon and went to 12:30AM, with a taco break in there :). I truly got lost in the wonder of making this song and the truth behind it. When I was singing it, I felt the joy of the LORD in me. I have never had an experience like this recording music. But, I thank God for this song and for the opportunity to sing and create this music to help frame who He is. Hope you enjoy it!
There's the song and here are the lyrics if you want to take a look at them! Here's a little underneath some of the lines:
"Pin light in the dark." Sometimes God seems really far way. Sometimes hope seems really far away. But to me, in dark times, I see it as a pin light in the distance. Where even 1 speck of light is enough to keep me going. Keep on believing and holding onto that light in the distance. It will get bigger.
"That strengthened my feet to dance." This is a metaphor for the principles of discipline. Failures and trials grow our faith and our character. We should thank God for all the trials in our life because if we let Him, He can use it to build up substance in our hearts. Strength is not given but earned through repeatedly trusting and exercising the muscle of faith in the face of trials. Our souls are being strengthened with every obstacle.
"With you I stand, look back and smile." One of my spiritual parents prayed the other week that I would be able to laugh at the future. That I would be filled with hope when I thought about life. I think we can also look back on the things we have experienced and smile too. It's like I'm looking back on things that felt like crisis in the moment and seeing all the purpose. Life can feel serious, but it really doesn't have to be that heavy. We can laugh at life.
"Can this view sustain me? Let me remember. Every winter you turned to spring. Let me remember." This is a prayer that came out when I was recording the song. This explains the doubt that I face after almost every big work God does in my life. Is this just a feeling or is this something that has changed deep in my heart? I am so forgetful. Help me remember. The last line might be one of my favorites. "Every winter you turned to spring. Let me remember." None of us would ever doubt that after every winter is a spring. We have spring every year. How silly would it be to doubt it? This was my prayer to view God's faithfulness this way. He will bring the new seasons in my life, just like He brings the new seasons to the Earth.
This was a special one for me, yall! It has been a joy to write it and share it. It has helped me to process my own life and hope is has helped you along the way too. Thank you for reading about the song and listening if you have. More to come soon.
Love, Andrew
New Video! "Song for All My Days" Live at 1093
It is out! Enjoy this live video of one of my new songs, "Song For All My Days."
written, performed and mixed by Andrew Huang. Video by Evan Reece Media.
Behind the scenes to come.
Quick Update. Chatanooga, Kickstarter, New Video Coming Soon
It has been such a full week. A lot of growth, a lot of change. Many things are shifting for me personally, and I learning to continue to lean on God in a whole new way. A deeper way. It truly is a joy to walk with God, because He is always better than you think. There is always more.
My best guy Bobby is getting married this weekend. We have had some rich times with the guys over the past few weeks. Last night, we hung out one last time before Bobby and Bess made their way up to the mountains to get ready for the wedding. Bobby's been sleeping on my couch for the past couple weeks and last night I decided to sleep down in the living room with him. It was pretty silly, but it was a great last late night hang with the bro before the wedding. Enjoy every season with your people. Yes it changes, but it's not for worse or better, just what is next. Enjoy EVERY season and don't wish it away.
Yesterday, spent the day in Chatanooga with their worship leaders and some representatives from Integrity Music. The conversation was so life giving. There is something shifting in our culture - music culture - a challenge of what has become normal and a question that is asked in all of us. Long story short, without getting into too much detail, I am having my heart and eyes opened to the importance of the song of the saints, not just the few. We are ALL partakers in the story, and if you have a song, even if no one ever hears it. It is important and powerful.
On the fundraising for the album. It has been truly incredible. I feel like God is totally blessing this adventure and is proving His faithfulness, something He loves to do. I am currently at 2830 out of 3500 with just over 10 days to go! People have been so encouraging and I feel the wind in my sails to keep pushing and and to keep dreaming. I still have a short ways to go, so if you would like to support, here's the link to all that.
NEW VIDEO SOON: On Monday night I was itching to get creative, so I went late to the studio with my MPC and recorded a version of one of my new songs "Song For All My Days." Then, Evan and Bobby showed up and helped me film a little video! It was such a fun night of spontaneous adventure and hangs. Video set to come out here in the next couple days.
I am encouraged this week guys. I am seeing life spring forth around me, despite me. I am understanding grace more and am filled with hope. I am deeply encoruaged and ready for me.
Today, I launched my Kickstarter Campaign for the project, "From My Window To Yours" by Andrew Blooms. I'm getting everything ready to get the campaign out there and to let you good peoples know what's going on. I don't think I have ever been this nervous about starting a project. There is something about putting the idea out there, asking people to help, hoping that you communicated all that you wanted... It's all truly, terrifying.
There was a moment yesterday during the filming of the kickstart video where I all of sudden became incredibly anxious about making this. It was really strange, it came and left quickly, but was unexpected and caught me off guard. I have been dreaming about doing this album for a long time, and especially over the last few months, I have been able to think of little else. There is a certain weight behind it for me, it is something I know I'm suppose to pursue. I think often in things that are important to us, there is an equal and opposite force against it. Fears, doubts, anxieties, are all part of the mix. I am learning that it is important to pay attention to the fears and doubts in my life - and not just acknowledge them, but run after them. That is where faith is found, right at the edge of what cannot know or understand. Anyway, for me, taking these steps to make this record is running to that edge. The songs I am writing are about my experiences with God, but most maybe not be able to fit into the church context. They're a mix of different parts of me. Worship leader who loves God, 90's hip hop fan, singer-songwriter, blues guitarist... It will be an interesting project. But anyways, Bombs away, the kickstart has begun.
21 days (20 now) to raise $3500! I believe, let's do this! thank you guys!
I want to thank my roommate Evan Reece, who runs Evan Reece Media, who followed me around yesterday to make the kick starter video. He is amazing at what he does, so just a quick shoutout to him. If any of you need photo or video work, please hit him up, here is his website:
With that being said! Here is a link to the Kickstart page where you can read more about the vision behind the album. Thank you again!
A Film Catch Up!
Well, got some film developed. It is truly like Christmas every time it comes back from the lab. The past few months have been so full - new dreams being birthed, old dreams laying down, getting to spend some time with some incredible people. I feel the growth with each turn. Here are some of my favorite shots from the past few months. They are taken on my Canon AE-1 Program and are shot either on Fujifilm XTRA 400 or Ilford HP5 Plus 400. In no particular order, but in a particular pattern.
Talking next steps with Artist MD. January, 2018.
I took a lot of video during the Artist MD project. I thought it was such a fun way to look back and celebrate each day. The videos would have me up all night, but I am so glad we have them.
Sol Grimes.
Bobby Barbs. Getting married in one weeks time.
New Realm string section. Chase Park Transduction. December 2017.
A cheech and his wagons.
Everyone knows that their dog is the best dog in the world. But Marley is the best dog in the world!
The Last Night. Last day of tracking. January 2018.
Sony MXP 30306. Chase Park Transduction Athens, GA
Gabby x2
From Taiwan. was leftover on this roll. This was one of the most interest ways I've seen anyone make coffee. November 2017.
Kirsten Boss. Cello. Artist MD sessions January 2018.
ARTIST M.D. - Day 2
A couple re-cap videos from sessions with Artist MD. Last week, we went on to mixing the record, and it is being mastered now. More news to come soon about what is next!
Artist M.D. - Day 1
1:50AM. Day one with Artist MD is complete. We had such a rich day creating music to fit the poems. My typical recording day starts with the gym if I can get there, it definitely makes me feel like I have way more energy during the day. Maybe I'll get there tomorrow, but chances are slimming with each minute I stay up. I was going to go to bed early but then I had this idea of making recap videos for our studios - one to have some great memories from each stage of the project, but also that you might enjoy it too.
When making music, it is always amazing to pause and realize what you're doing. We all had that moment together today. We were like "we are freaking making music!" - Something I hope to never take for granted. Val is putting his heart and soul into song for everyone to hear, and I get to be a part of directing it and watching him and the others come to life. There are few things that bring me more joy than to watch artists come into themselves.
I hope to be making more videos. For now please enjoy the VERY first episode of Bloom Sounds: From the Garden. Rock on!
Producing Artist M.D. - Day 0.5
Happy New Years to all! I hope it has been a great time of celebration and hopefully good introspection and some solid dreaming. And though 2018 feels much like 2017, I love when the calendar gives an excuse to rearrange, reprioritize, and feel a temporary clean slate from life. I am looking forward to this year, and believe deeply that it will be one of the most important years of my life.
I am wrapping up my day, eagerly awaiting the week ahead. This week, I have the pleasure of working with some of the sweetest people on planet Earth. I met Val Tromonte, Sol Grimes, Gabby Li and Gabby Case in July of 2017. We were all students at the United Pursuit School of Worship up in Knoxville, where God did such a special knitting of hearts, souls and dreams. The people at that school are such a deep and rich part of my story now. At the school, God unlocked a freedom and passion for poetry in my friend Val. It was so wonderful to watch him step into it at school. I could tell he really came alive when he would share his poems. We would be worshipping together and all these beautiful words and phrases would come to him. It was unlike anything I had experienced. It was refreshing. Val, Sol, Gabby and Gabby were in the same band at school, and they arranged and performed music for Val's poem for the school's final showcase.
After school, Val decided to follow his passion and pursue making an official album of his poems. That's where our worlds collided. Over the past couple months, we have been planning this time in Athens to produce his record, and I am so honored he thought of working with me. This will be unlike anything I have ever made, but I am excited about the possibilities of what this will become.
Today, everyone showed up from all across America. Val from Oklahoma, Sol from Illinois, Gabby Li from Oregon, and Gabby Case from Atlanta. I still can't believe this was possible and that we made it happen! We got coffee, caught up, and I got to show them around town a little bit. Then, just now we dedicated a couple hours to prayer and worship, to invite God into this process. We prayed for His hand to be on it, and that we would simply have fun and enjoy this creative process.
Tomorrow, 10AM, we begin. Follow along, can't wait to share this journey.
When It's Your Turn
12:20 on what is now technically December 28th. Just crawled into bed, feeling rejuvenated by today and have some things I figured I would write before going to bed. I hope some of this makes sense to me when I read it back, it's late. My dog Marley is snoring. I have gotten all my film photographs back from Taiwan and weeks prior, and have been slowly going through them. I'll be posting my favorites from time to time on here. They've got nothing to do with what I'm writing, but are such beautiful memories. This photo is of this little angel that I broke once but now is prepared. It's from a nativity scene from the church that I have yet to return her too. I love this little thing.
I am in eager anticipation of the new year. I feel like there is so much that has been being prepared in my life. Things that needed to break, things that needed to heal, things that needed to be removed, things that needed to be softened, all for the table to be set. All these moments aligning like a constellation to create something beautiful together - to tell the story of God. To put down a couple lines on the canvas so we can understand who He is a little bit more than we used to. I am eager with hope to watch the story continue to unfold. It has been a wild ride to this point and I can only assume it gets better.
Isn't it mysterious, all of life? In it's seasons, in it's swaying and breathing? Isn't God mysterious, in how He loves us, disciplines us, gives grace, and sets us free all at the same time? If there is anything I have learned this year, is to give grace to the season I am in, and the season that others are in - knowing that it usually will not be the same. It is difficult to celebrate a victor when you are defeated, and unnatural to notice a struggling neighbor in seasons of triumph - but it is so important that we grow aware of the up and down, the in and out of all that is going on in and around us. It is important to have faith and hope, no matter what is going on in life, whether the mess is created by your own hands of the hands of others. All of it has purpose. I desire more than anything now - more than success, applause, or perfection - to be graceful. I want to have grace for my own path, and for the paths of those I am walking with and among. I want to take inventory of my life and begin to see the shortcomings as chances for redemption, not destiny-shattering mistakes. I want to look at the parts of my friends lives that I judge and say, "I don't understand, but God does and loves this person too." God becomes my definition and not anything else.
Our economy is different than God's. Our timing is different than God's. We want outcomes, God wants friendship. We want a book with the leather cover but God just wants to live the story. We want the mountain top but God lives on the trail.
I couldn't tell you why God does certain things in the timing or fashion He chooses. Why does he allow us the obstacles, why does he let the thorns stay in our sides? Why does He help us sometimes and other times He watches along side us? Why is it that sometimes we are called to wait? For long periods of time - for breakthrough, for freedom, for things to grow again? I don't really know. But I have a sense, a hunch - that the magnitude of our trials are correlated with the magnitude of authority we will have in our victory. The deeper the hole, the more glory to God and the more grace to be displayed. He is strengthening our legs for when it's time to run.
So whatever you have found yourself in this season. Trials, hardship, sins - of many shapes and sizes, strengths or colors. Remember that you too, have a turn to be free, and it's coming right up.
New Realm: photoblog
Yesterday, I finished mixing and producing my latest project for New Realm. We began recording this 10 song album in September, and have been working at it ever since. It has been such a growing and challenging process, and in the end has yielded something truly beautiful. I am proud of all of us for the work we accomplished together as well as each person's dedication to the project. Today I slept in until about noon and a half, as I have felt like I have just finished a marathon! I'm sitting down this afternoon to relax, enjoy some coffee, and share about the recording process. Since we started, I have been keeping my Canon Ae-1 film camera with me at all times, capturing our times in the studio and in the mixing room. Here are some of our amazing memories shot through 35mm.
From the early days. September, in the early tracking stages. I remember when we discovered the Juno 106 in the back room of Chase Park. This piece of gear went on to shape a lot of the records' sound. I remember staying until 3:30am playing with the synths and pianos one night. I believe we composed the "Invitation Reprise" this night
Here's Drew Dotson, the bass player and all of the rest of the goons in the back. This is sometime in late September or early October. This is the Bloom Sounds studio, where I edit, mix and track keys and guitars for my records.
One of my favorite pictures. Bobby singing into my Avntone CV-12 and a Neumann U67. In the end we actually used a couple of takes from the CV-12 over the 67. Maybe there isn't much of a difference in $500 and $11,000 after all...
This is the back of Chase Park, where we tracked pianos, drums and bass and some of the guitars. pictured are Brian (drums) Will and Holly our interns, Drew (Bass) and Bobby (voice). I remember that we played football in the back this day to take a break from the project. playing football with 5 people is really hard
Here was our setup at 1093 in late October for vocals and piano. Here we were recording vocals with an original Neumann U67, RCA 77DX ribbon, and a Shure SM7B. One of my favorite mics to use on the piano is the Neumann RSM 191. One of my favorite sounds on the record is Bobby's voice on a song called "Keyholder" which has sort of a vintage warmth from the sound of the ribbon RCA.
Mackalie Davidson was a huge part of this project. Her vocals are on about half the songs on New Realm's project, and I also have to mention that she drove all the way down from Nashville to sing on the project. Her voice is featured on a song called "Peace Be Still," where her and Bobby sing a duet. This is one of the best sounding vocals I have ever touched on a song, them two together were such a gift. I remember that we used an original Neumann U47 on her voice, which didn't hurt the quality at all :)
We had an incredible group of singers come in to help us put a choir in the tracks. These are some of my favorite sessions because there is such a togetherness about it, everyone singing together. And then when we come together to listen how it all sounds in the mix... always a special moment. This was taken in late October.
Dango. I think this was my favorite day of making this record. This is Dango Forlaine, from Atlanta. New Realm met Dango at a camp over the summer and ended up collaborating with him to record a rap section on the album. Dango was such a joy to work with, so passionate and so easy to create with. Dango showed up, listened to the beat, and rewrote the rap right there on the spot. I was amazed. We ate BBQ for lunch that day, and geeked out over Kanye West, and had such a wonderful time together. I know we will cross paths again. Bobby and I drove him back to ATL late this night and ate Wendy's on the way home and talked about the purpose of life. Typical stuff.
making a record takes a lot of humility, patience, and focus. There is a lot of waiting, listening and attempting to communicate ideas that don't exist yet. I love this photo because it captures so accurately the grind of sweating the details. It is often like this.
decisions decisions. Brian Wallace (drums)
Guitar tracking day at the Bloom Sounds studio.Left to right: Bobby with glasses on, myself, John Dexter Burch and Evan Reece.
Kirsten Boss. a true boss. Kirsten threw down some amazing cello lines for the record for a song called "Divine Architect." This is us in late November, Bobby is working out the parts with her at Chase Park studio B. (taken on iphone)
iphone self timer. The day we finished tracking. A great day indeed. Special thanks to Jeffery Vernon (far left) for being an amazing assistant engineer on this project. You're awesome man!
a wonderful crew. Late October.
Thanks for following along. It has been such a beautiful journey with these people! We are preparing to get the artwork done, and the album is being mastered now. I can't wait for everyone to FINALLY here this thing! I am gearing up to record some of my own songs, as well as a spoken word artist named VAL who is flying in from Tulsa in early January to record his first record with Bloom Sounds. Here's to all that's to come.
Love, Andrew
How Low Should You Go
This morning, I washed my dad’s feet. Honestly, I didn’t know what else to do to get through or to let him hear what was going on in my heart. After we woke up and had breakfast, I awkwardly asked him… “hey dad, I was wondering if I could do something with you. Do you have a bucket?” He responded adamantly, “No, I’m not getting baptized.” I explained to him that I didn’t want to baptize him, and that this act was more like a symbol of service, an act of recognizing his dignity and his humanity. This is definitely a weird thing to do by most standards, and is one of the most awkward things I have ever done, but I just knew it was what I needed to do. I’ve been thinking about it over the last few weeks, even through all the difficulty and all the struggle, and I just knew it was right. I didn’t believe it would change him, I didn’t believe that a lightning bolt would come down and strike all the pain away, I didn’t believe it would make everything perfect again. But I knew, and still know, that it would move something deep inside both of us. For me, the most important thing was to be obedient to what I felt in my heart, in hopes that God would use it to release something in our relationship. I definitely didn’t want to and fought it to the very last minute, but I am so glad I pushed through that feeling and did it anyway.
As I knelt before him, in this dark, wet and dusty, living room, I began to wash his feet in the water. I told him that I forgave him for everything and that I was sorry for the ways I had treated him in the past, like he wasn’t human. That he was a failure. That he deserved to be punished. He told me that I had nothing to forgive, that he never did anything wrong, and that I was arrogant for saying that I forgave him. But somehow, in this moment, it didn’t matter what he said back to me. It wasn’t just about him. In some ways, doing this might have been more for me. Over the past two weeks, as I sat face to face with this man, as we sat quietly in trains, and busses, as we’ve fought, as we’ve yelled, and as I’ve cried because of his actions and my own, as I hid in the streets, praying for God to tell me what to do, not wanting to share the same roof as this man, as he embarrassed me and tore me down in front of strangers, as he reminded me that I didn’t have what it took to make it - In those moments, strangely, I slowly began to see my own reflection. What has grown for so many years in my heart, the hatred, finally began to be melted away into compassion. I wanted to separate myself from him and from the choices he’s made in life. I wanted to put him into a category of someone I would never become. But the truth is that, without God’s spirit in me, I am him. We all are. In the moment of washing his feet and through what might have been a giant God moment over the last decade, I was finally able to see myself in his eyes. I would probably turn out a lot like him given the circumstances and having no faith in the goodness of God and the world we live in. My old man and me, we’re not so different after all. Just broken and hurt at the end of the day. I’ve just found a faith that has given me the power to change the course of my path. More accurately, I’ve been given a choice for a new story to written. A better story. Jesus’s role as my savior, has taken whole new meaning. There was a path of destruction, death, and sin that, when I was born, the world paved for me. My dad’s mother and absent father paved it for him, and I was destined by history to walk it too. But Jesus stopped me in my tracks and led me to a narrow path, one that requires care, hard work, balance and a lot of humbling moments, but this path has given me freedom and many answers amidst the unknown, within the deep struggle of being human and coming to terms with my own inadequacy.
God loves this man, as God loves me. I feel like somehow God was able to give me a little piece of His heart - to extend compassion and to serve and love my dad unconditionally. And this morning as I washed his feet in that red wash bucket, I felt like that love was able to touch his heart deeply. My dad began to tear up, but still said nothing about what I was doing. Even after we finished, he didn’t say anything about it, other than that it touched him. He still doesn’t believe in God, but I think he was touched by the heavenly Father’s love today. After that we hugged and I left for the airport. That was it.
There is something that Lee and Lisa Mason, my amazing bosses and pastor’s, said to me once that I think changed the direction of my life. They encouraged me to, when at all possible, fall on the sword - meaning to take the place of humility and the lowest seat at every table. They told me that they trusted God to defend them and that we didn’t need to defend ourselves and that He would always watch out for us. It’s ultimately what Jesus did for all of us. His humility was his power, not His might. When we take a look at our lives, in the culture that we are raised, we are taught that we can do most things ourselves. It’s the American way. We’re taught that justice is ours to serve, and revenge, unforgiveness, tearing down of our enemies, are all within our rights and power to do. But I think I am realizing that I don’t need to defend myself. I don’t need to fight for my place in life. I don’t need to prove to my dad that I’m anything. I don’t need to prove to society that I am worthy. Justice isn't mine to serve. All of these blow-ups that happened between my dad and me over the last few weeks, I was trying to gain ground through might, through power, through force. I was defending my heart. But today, as I decided to kneel and serve him, I believe God moved further and more deeply than any other time in his life. It was in the quiet sound of the water splashing, the awkward silence, and in the “I’m sorry’s and I forgive you’s” that Jesus was able to breathe life into my father's soul and into mine. And much to my amazement, Jesus actually did defend me. He strengthened my spirit and helped me fight the lies, and they began to lose their power. He has wrapped my soul in his arms of protection, truth and grace.
This man, dad, now owes me nothing. I’m no longer waiting for “good jobs” or “I’m proud’s,” I have walked free from the expectations I had set on him to be a reflection of God in my life. He doesn’t yet know the ways of Jesus. A beautiful exchange is taking place as I feel my spirit cry, “Abba.” And my cries don’t fall on deafness and aren't met with silence, but are answered with the voice of God. The wonderful, mysterious, still, small voice of Jesus.
Two months ago, I received a prophetic word from a lady at my church that I was a bird in a cage and that God had opened the door to the cage so that I could fly free. In the cage, the lady saw food and water, and she told me that she felt that even though I had food and water to survive in the cage, it wasn’t where I was meant to be. I wasn't just meant to survive, but I was meant to fly free and high in the sky. Six months ago I had a vision of my dad. I saw him in a jail cell, across from mine. I looked down in my hands and saw the keys to both of our prisons. These keys represented Jesus and the forgiveness that I could only receive and share through faith in Him. I heard Him beckon to me, “Would you both walk free? You have everything you need.” I know now what all of that meant. It takes a lot of faith to fly from our cages because in most cases in our lives, the cage is all we have ever known. There, we have the same food and water we have always had. But we have not yet seen the open skies and the view of the mountains, rivers, and lily fields of a full life. A free life. We do not yet know the fullness available because we are not willing to do the uncomfortable work of pursuing and living in the truth. Pursuing freedom takes all the courage we have.
Last night, on our last subway ride together in Taiwan, a young person offered her elderly priority seat to my dad - and it all hit me. Time is relentless. Life is relentless. My dad is now old. The world will not wait for you, and our fragility will be realized sooner than we had ever thought. We cannot afford to wait until we feel ready or we are equipped to pursue Jesus and to pursue reconciliation in all aspects of life. We cannot afford to wait until others “get it” or suddenly realize everything they have done to wrong you. We cannot wait for perfect situations before we begin to walk in faith. We can't wait for all the fog to lift. Because on this side, it never will. Nothing is going to fix itself. I want to encourage you - Have the conversations, take the trips, make the phone calls that you need to make. Do everything that you can do to make peace, to sow goodness on your path, and don’t be discouraged when nothing happens after one try. You will grow. Wash the feet you need to wash. You’re going to mess it up and it’s going to be incredibly trying, but know that the outcome does not depend on your perfection, but your willingness to go lower. It will be your willingness to serve that will move the mountain. A humble yes to God is more powerful than anything else - man’s plans, programs, or wills are useless when compared to the simple power of faith.
Not a single thing in life is certain (Thank you Malcolm). Not a single thing. Not one single guarantee. Success, health, the future, realized dreams, relationships, a bulging bank account. None of these things. My dad's broken heart has not been healed and there is still so much that has not been dealt with. But I see now that I was never guaranteed that, not this time. When we take risks, there is no certainty of reward. That's why it is a risk. But nevertheless, we must continue to walk in faith. Continue to press on towards wholeness, seeking truth and being bold and courageous with our conviction. There is a chance that when we commit to a life of faith and passion and courage - that not everything we do will be successful, and we may never see the fruit of out labor with our own eyes. We may never pick the flowers with our own hands or smell them with our own noses. but I am realizing this: Everything we do might be worthwhile. With God, this is a life worth living, and not a single thing is ever wasted.
Time to live.
Finishing Strong
Yesterday I left the house before my dad got up and hopped on a train down south to Kaohsiung, where I had made plans to get another tattoo from this amazing traditional artist, Horiking. He is the tattoo artist that did my other arm piece in 2013, and I figured while I was out here to get some more. It took 11 hours, and we finished, but boy I was hurting bad. We went from 2pm to about 1:30 in the morning, what an adventure. Anyways, I am back on the train now headed back North. I’m doing a lot of reflecting as I’m writing, it’s been such a wonderfully strange, difficult but ultimately beautiful time. I know less than ever. I will probably keep saying this, but it truly feels like I have way more questions now - about life, about family, about God, about who I am and also the powerlessness we sometimes feel to make a difference. I think I left yesterday without telling my dad because I didn’t want to have to deal with more harsh words or cornering conversations. 99% of me can’t really do it anymore, but there is definitely that 1% that I’m trying to live in. I was definitely planning to avoid him as much as possible before going to the airport tomorrow morning. The full scope of the dynamic between us would take quite some time to explain, but my father will use his words to guilt and manipulate people. Most times I have been vulnerable with him, he has used what I said against me. For example, the first day we were here I told him that I wanted to change the world through music and art. Now, every time I make a mistake or don’t do what he thinks is right, he will bring up what I said and say, “You can’t change the world by acting like that,” or “I can’t believe someone like you could change the world.” The safety of relationship -Trust, encouragement, mutual interest, love seem so far right now.
Horiking doing his thing
I feel bad that I left the city without telling him. I definitely should have said something. But I was so tired of hurting too. Another gray crossroad. Most decisions with him I don't know really what to do because I want to protect myself but also honor and serve. In this case, it seems almost impossible to do both. But I am open and what to learn how. Last night he continued to text our family group, tearing down my mother and me, saying he couldn’t believe he raised someone like me and that my mother was to blame for how I turned out. He tore down my life, saying I wasted all my time in college to get a degree and not work in the area I studied. He told me to not bother coming back, and told me I was abandoning the family. All this time, I’m reading these texts as I’m getting the tattoo, a piece that I wanted to serve as a reminder for the beauty of life and God’s faithfulness amidst my imperfection. This overwhelming heaviness came over me. I began to hear the voices of shame again. You are selfish. You are dishonoring. All you care about it yourself. I felt strangely hated. I felt like my own dad hated me, and in that moment, I honestly felt like I hated myself. I was so frustrated with the circumstance and tired of reading all these words, all this death. I felt hope leave me in that time.
After we finished the tattoo, I went and stayed at my uncle’s house. It’s now 2:30 in the morning. And I’m sitting here in this room, at this desk, alone, thinking about everything. Questions race through my mind. Is this a colossal failure? Did I mess this up? Can my decisions destroy what God has in store or what He wants to do? For a moment I resent the tattoo because, to me in that moment, it felt like this one amazing thing caused all this shit to unfold again. I felt like I made the wrong choice and somehow it messed everything up. But in that time, after talking to mom and Kerb, who were so amazing and helped me see the fuller picture, I began to take up courage and hope again. There is something so amazing about the breaking moments, when you are on your knees, on your face, where you have a choice to get up, look up, and walk again. I was so defeated and so full of shame, but as I began to ask the Lord to reveal himself to me, I was able to be free from those words from my dad yet again. There were like weights on my soul, speaking death to my heart, but as I turned my face to the Lord, He began to answer. I am no failure. My life truly is beautiful. I am loved. I am a friend of God and the world, not an enemy. Something deep began to shift, and I began to understand grace even more. God’s holding me, God’s holding this situation - and though it is really tense right now and really really difficult, I somehow believe Him more than ever.
What do we do when we fall? We must get up and finish strong. I am on the last leg of this part of the journey, and I felt like I caused all these things to unravel. But I only have two choices now, run towards what is right, or continue to bury it. I am running towards the light. This morning I booked the first train back to my dad’s place and am going to apologize for leaving without telling him. He’s pretty furious at me, so I’m a little nervous as to what will be said here in a couple hours. I am expecting the same words that are aimed to control me and tear me down, but I am somehow filled with the grace and wisdom to understand that these words are mere words, powerless against the inner music of Jesus in my heart. I am crawling to the finish line, but I am resolved in my heart to finish without regret. To finish with honor, with strength, with actions I am proud of. I want to hear my dad say “well done” but have made peace with the fact that he might never say those words to me. More than anything, I now know, I just want to him to see my life and be proud of who I am. But I see now how much his pride and his past have blinded him and disabled him from loving or even being loved. But in my Christianese world the words, “God loves me,” have lost their power. But would they powerful now again. Would they be the life within and the power to face the most impossible circumstances with grace, faith and courage.
Last night, after the lowest point, at around 4 in the morning, I laid down and prayed one last time. I even smiled at the ceiling, thinking, “what a wonderfully strange and beautiful life we live. Thank you God.” I do not understand so much of this situation, but I am beginning to see the deep purpose of it all. It’s not just for me and not just for dad… But it might just be for everyone. When we face trials of many kinds, might we count them joy. Would they become laughable. Would they not overwhelm you, You have God in your corner - So fight twelve rounds if you need to, let Him take care of you when you get hit and when you fall, finish strong, and don’t forget to smile along the way. We will be more than ok.
Hualien, Kenting, and the Three Day Bus Tour
Hey everyone, wanted to throw a quick update with some pictures. The last 3 days, my dad and I have been traveling via bus and train around the whole island. Literally. The orange was day one, and we stopped all along that we checked out some of the most amazing rock faces and tunnels I have ever seen. It was in a place called Taroko National Park. I believe this is where a lot of monks lived. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, and is so hard to explain. But rock faces surrounded us on every side, hundreds of feet up, and rivers rushing below. It looked like it was from a movie! My dad told me that when he was my age him and his friends biked all the way up into this region and camped. He also had the cops chase him because of his long hair! Wow, have times changed. It was so hard to capture the grandness of these canyons because we were so close to them, pictures turned out looking like close ups of rock walls. But I tried to snag a couple, including this amazing overlook and this beautiful temple and waterfall.
The next day we travel via bus and train for six hours to Kenting, which is the national park that spans over the most southern tip of Taiwan. It looks like what I would imagine Hawaii would be like. It is almost identical to Jamaica, for those who have seen it there! Imagine looking forward to bright blue water, beautiful beaches, and then behind you are massive steep mountains. I believe the area is under a good bit of protection so a lot of the land has been untouched and remain really beautiful.
My dad and I walk down to the beach form our hotel and enjoy a beer during the sunset. Everything is perfect except for the fact that we're not getting along too good right now. I've got to share about this part cause, really, was one of the main reasons I started writing the blog. I have tried to express this feeling, but it has many layers. But overall, when it comes to him right now, I feel like a tiny ant that has come face to face with a boulder. Things seem so impossible, immovable. There is definitely some deep unrest, deep questions, deep pain that continues to arise as we spend time together. I want to paint a full picture but also feel like I need to reserve the details at least at this juncture. In some ways to do that would be to focus on the wrong thing. I am realizing that my eyes in the last couple days have been set on the lack. On what is wrong. On what I might be falling short in and on my dad's failures. I am being challenged, led, by what I believe to begin to seek the better path. How do I honor this life, how to I honor my dad not as a failure but as a human being, and most of all, how to I honor God? I have a sense that God is building patience into my heart, for my dad, myself and everyone. I am being given deep insight into the reasons behind a man's ways. In more ways that I want to admit too, I see myself in my dad. Anyways, after all the arguing I continued to pray and I felt like God was leading me to change my position. I felt like I was supposed to listen. And that's what I've been trying to do. And regardless of what is happening, I am learning to worship, pray, and talk to God deep in my spirit. He's the closest thing to me.
The next day, we got in a van and toured Kenting National Park. We saw some amazing sites. Not much to say about these other than that it was truly amazing.
It's a short one guys! I'm on the move today. But thank you for following along continuing to pray. Honestly, I'm pretty tired. I miss connection, I miss my friends. I've spent a long time alone and am just missing the fun of being with people who know and love me. But I've only got two more days here, so I am praying that I will finish strong, and not miss anything God wants me to do here because I'm too distracted by what is next. It's currently 9:11am here, and is actually thanksgiving day for me, but not you yet :) Someone have some Turkey for me!
Love you, Andrew